The Ultimate Stress Management Guide

Stress is a common occurrence in people’s lives. Stress is the build-up of pressure where one begins to feel emotionally distraught with  tension. Everyone has different ways in dealing with it. People tend to feel stressed when they have so …

Peanut Butter Protein Balls

Ingredients 1/2 cup oats 1 crushed Weet-Bix or corn flakes 2 scoops chocolate protein powder 2 heaped tbsp. of natural peanut butter 2 tbsp. coconut oil 3 tbsp. honey or sweetener of choice. Shredded or desiccated coconut (for rolling) Directions …

I Get It

I had a lot of re writes and time to think over the past couple of years And I have come to realise that sometimes just telling someone about your journey may help them in some small way so it’s …

Chocolate Protein Cupcakes

As a suggestion if you need to get some extra goodness into your kiddies tummies then these chocolate protein cupcakes are the perfect afternoon treats or lunch box snacks Ingredients 1 banana & 1/2 blueberries 1 tsp. vanilla extract 1 …

Are You?

I’m guilty of this! I always think: – If I was skinnier I would be more outgoing – If I had longer hair I would be more confident … – If I had more time I would do more – …

Banana Blueberry Muffins

Ingredients 3/4 cup of almond flour 3/4 cup of vanilla protein powder 1. 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 2/3 cup melted coconut oil 1/2 cup almond milk 3 eggs, whisked 3 bananas mashed 1 cup blueberries Directions Mix all of the …

Reality of Life

🙌 R E A L I T Y … O F … L I F E … 🙌 So I was holding my beautiful bubba in my arms tonight & a strong reality hit! I was thinking of all the: …

Exercising In Your Golden Years

You should at least include 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity exercise such as cycling or walking every week. A simple way as you age to stay fit that work for people over 65. – Why is exercising beneficial to …

Pregnancy & Fitness

The biggest Lies You Have Been Told About Pregnancy and Fitness Being pregnant and giving birth are both mentally and physically stressful.  Having a reasonable level of fitness will help you manage your changing body shape as well as the stress …