Don’t Let Non-Members into our GYM

Attention All Members

Unfortunately, we had to ask one of our members to leave as they let non-members into the gym and were caught.

So for now we ask for your help! – See Something Say Something.

This behavior is unacceptable and it is stealing. Ora 24/7 gym is our livelihood and its our home so we ask for RESPECT.

If you see someone letting another person into the gym text Sam on 0411 341 889 – anytime of the day or night.

Note the time of day in your message. – All members that let non-members into the gym will be fined, reported to the authorities and asked to leave.

We have cameras that are monitored 24/7, we have facial recognition on all cameras & security systems, with back up’s stored off site.

this is NOT ok.

This is a crime – it is a breach of security and this is stealing so do not allow it speak up and we will keep watching.